Can You Feed Haylage to Goats

Are you curious and want to know if your goats can eat the haylage? Or are you planning to introduce haylage to the goat? But you are not sure if they are going to eat or not.

If haylage is the remaining feed you have in store for your farm animals you might think of giving some to the goats.

But you might be hesitant because you have not given the haylage to them in the past.

In this blog post, you are going to discover if haylage is good for the goat or not as well as the health benefits and the risk of feeding haylage the goats.

Can goats eat haylage? Yes, the goats can eat the haylage and they love it. Haylage can make a great treat for the goats. But you must give the haylage to the goats as you open them because they can go off quickly and become waste if not used on time. Haylage provides some valuable nutrients like fibre to the goats.

I have a chance to discuss with some of the experienced goat owners about feeding haylage to the goats. Some of them prefer serving hay to the goats instead of haylage.

What Is Haylage?

Haylage is the hay that is yet to dry fully. Haylage is the mid stage between hay and silage.

Haylage is baled at higher moisture concentrate and they are stored on a seal sack or plastic.

Haylage is healthier than hay because haylage is free of dust and soil.

Photo By Oscar Dahl On

Haylage is more palatable than hay as it retains some freshness compared to the hay.

Haylage is more nutritious than the hay and they are easy to digest for the goats and other farm animals.

Introducing haylage to the goats

You can mix the haylage with the hay just to introduce the haylage to the goats.

It is good to buy the readymade haylage from the store for your goats, as the homemade may likely cause listeriosis if they are not well made.

It is very important to check for any sign of heating or mould when you are opening the haylage for the goat.

It is good to feed the goat with something else than to feed them with haylage that has mould on them.

Is haylage good for the goats?

Haylage is good for the goat and it provides health benefits for the goats.

Haylage provides fiber which makes the goats to remain active and have energy to browse around the surrounding areas for more pasture.

Can baby goats eat haylage?

Natural milk which the baby goats get from their mothers is the best thing you can give them at their age.

This means that you cannot feed them with haylage.

Their digestive systems are not strong enough to breakdown food nutrients in most foods.

Their digestive system will still be working extra hard to break down the nutrients that are found in haylage.

Can goats eat haylage everyday?

The goats can still eat the haylage on a daily basis provided they are being served at limited portions.

If you have enough haylage in your storage, you can find a way to incorporate it into their daily meal plan so that it will serve them for a long period of time.

One serving a day is enough so as to avoid over feeding the goats with the haylage which can cause bloating in the goat.

Can goats survive on haylage alone?

Sometimes, when you have an abundance of feed in the storage for your boat, the idea of feeding them with only feed you have at disposal may sound good.

But one thing you should know is that there is no particular food that contains all the food nutrients needed by the goats to stay healthy all the time.

Therefore, the haylage is not enough for your goats to survive on for a long time as it still lacks some vital nutrients in them.

It is very important to solve the haylage together with all the treats you have for your goat. This will ensure the goats have balanced diets anytime you are feeling them.

Health benefits of haylage to the goats

Though some people argue that haylage is not far from hay if you take away the moisture in them.

They assume that haylage does not come with any health benefits. This can be further from the truth; fiber is one of the essential nutrients that are found in haylage.

The goats need an adequate supply of fibers in order to keep their intestine working properly and they can get this from consuming haylage.

Crude protein is another essential nutrient that is found in haylage. This crude protein is digestible, and it helps to build up new cells in the goat's body system.

Risk of eating haylage by the goats

The key to the feeding of goats is moderation. Problems are likely to arise when you allow your goats to overfeed on a certain treat or a particular feed.

Haylage can be a beneficiary to goats especially during the winter.

But the goats are likely to develop listeriosis if it happens that you allow them to overfeed on haylage.

Some goats may develop bloat as a result of eating too much haylage.

Can goats have haylage and cabbage together?

Yes, your goats may have both haylage and cabbage together as a treat.

Your goats are likely to derive a lot of food nutrients from them as both of them supplement each other in some of the nutrients are lacking.

When you want to serve but haylage and cabbage, it'll be good to put the haylage at the down while you slice the cabbage are place at the top before you serve the goats.

Can goats have haylage and sweet pellets together?

Both haylage and sweet palace can make a great combination as a treat for your goat in the pens.

Both haylage and sweet pellets look almost the same in their appearance. Your goats may not tell the difference from the two as both of them are delicious.

Can you use haylage as bedding for the goats?

No, it is not proper to use haylage as bedding for the goats because they are expensive. And it will be a waste of money to use haylage as beddings in the pens.

If it happens that the haylage has gone off or begins to be moldy you can turn them into silos rather than using it as beddings.

The goats may try it out when you use haylage beddings and they can develop terrible sickness as result.


Haylage is a good treat you can serve your goat alongside other feed you have in the storage for them.

The goats love haylage, it is delicious and they found it easy to digest.

The goats should be prevented from feeding on haylage as their digestive system might not be strong enough to break down the haylage.

It is very important to serve haylage in moderation anytime you are giving it to your goats.


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